Who We Are
Napa Valley Republican Women Federated, chartered in 1947, was the first Republican Women's club in Napa County.

We are affiliated with the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW), the largest women's grassroots political organization in the country, with thousands of active members in local clubs across the nation.

We are members of the California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW), the largest State organization in the Federation.

We are registered as Republicans and believe in the Republican principles. The Federation is an official part of the Republican Party. It is the educational arm.
Our Objectives
To promote an informed public through political education and activity.
To increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government.
To promote a wider knowledge of the principles and policies of the Republican Party.
To encourage active citizenship.
To cooperate with the Republican State and County Central Committees for the election of Republican candidates.
To facilitate cooperation among Republican Women's Clubs.
To foster loyalty to the Republican Party and to promote its principles and candidates in all elections including non-partisan elections.

How We Meet Them
Luncheon Meetings
Meetings are held ten months a year (no meetings in July or August). Programs are presented to educate members in politics at local, state and national levels. Emphasis is given to legislation and Republican candidates.
A monthly newsletter containing club news and current political information is sent to each member. Also contains CFRW and NFRW legislative news and information about conferences and other events at those levels.
Capitol Update
Published by CFRW, it is emailed to members and provides timely analysis of current bills in our state legislature. Members also receive Legislative Action Alerts with information on contacting elected officials. You can download these at www.cfrw.org.
2025 Luncheon Meetings
2840 Soscol Avenue, Napa